Bibliography of Indonesia Geology
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Chapter I of the Bibliography 7.0 contains 316 pages with >2405 titles of papers on the regional geology of Indonesia and adjacent SE Asia- Pacific, as well as general papers that do not fit in any of the regions or specialist categories that are listed separately. It is subdivided in five chapters, I.1- 1.5

The attached pdf consists of both a detailed bibliography as well as lengthy introductions for each of the sub-chapters.

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I.1. I.1. and I.2. Indonesia and SE Asia Regional Geology

Chapters I.1 and I.2 include >1530 references of textbooks and papers on the regional geology and tectonics of Indonesia and SE Asia. Chapter I.1 focuses on the regional geology of Indonesia, while chapter I.2 includes more of the regional geology of the broader SE Asia region and of the SE Asia mainland (Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, SW China, etc.). The reason for including the latter in this Indonesia-focused bibliography is that many of the geological zones of mainland SE Asia continue into parts of western Indonesia, so the tectonic history and stratigraphy of these areas are relevant to understanding parts of Sumatra, Borneo, etc..

The Indonesian archipelago is an extremely complex collection of continental blocks, active and extinct volcanic arcs, old and young ocean basins and subduction complexes (commonly with ophiolites), marking the sutures where former oceans were consumed. It is now at the convergence of three major tectonic plates: Eurasia, Pacific and Australia. The island of Sulawesi contains elements of all three plates.

Multiple suture zones that separate continental blocks or continental and and arc volcanic terranes have been recognized across SE Asia. Most of these sutures represent former subduction zones along the South Eurasia and West Pacific margins, and many contain ophiolitic rocks that represent remnants of upper mantle, oceanic crust and pelagic sediment cover of closed former ocean basins (Paleo-Tethys, Meso-Tethys, Neo-Tethys/ Indian Ocean). These are accompanied by volcanic-plutonic arc systems and intensely deformed accretionary complexes.

Western Indonesia (‘Sundaland’) is a complex of Late Paleozoic- Triassic continental blocks that amalgamated by the closing of the Paleotethys Ocean suture in Late Triassic time. After a long period of relative quiescence Sundaland was affected by widespread Middle Eocene- Early Miocene rifting, creating many hydrocarbon-bearing sedimentary basins (e.g. Hutchison 1984, 1986, Hall and. Morley, 2004, Sunarjanto et al. 2008, Pubellier and Morley 2014, Rangin 2015).

The present-day configuration of Eastern Indonesia formed much later, and is still evolving. It is a collage of relatively small continental microplates derived from the Australia- New Guinea Gondwanan margin, remnants of extinct volcanic arcs, active volcanic arcs and Cenozoic oceanic marginal basins.

Numerous authors have attempted syntheses of geologic and tectonic evolution of the Indonesian Archipelago, dating back to the 1800's. Unfortunately all of the pre-1970’s tectonics models should now be viewed as largely obsolete, and mainly of historic interest, although many of these models were driven by perfectly valid geological observations.

Early depiction of orogenic belts in the Indonesian region, and ‘Wegener style’ suggestion of converging Asian and Australian continents (Smit Sibinga 1933).

Early depiction of orogenic belts in the Indonesian region, and ‘Wegener style’ suggestion of converging Asian and Australian continents (Smit Sibinga 1933).

Many newer tectonic models have been proposed since the ‘Pre-Plate tectonics era’, and new models continue to be proposed and debated today. Whilst these are all valuable exercises in integrating large amounts of geologic data, the long-term 'success rate' of any (plate-)tectonic modles of the Indonesia/ SE Asia region has not been very high, although elements of many of them continue to be accepted.

An important component in the recognition of major fault zones, and in particular subduction zones, is the distribution patterns of earthquake hypocenters. The discovery of belts of deep earthquake hypocenters in lower crust and mantle that form landward dipping zones under active continental margins is commonly attributed to Russian and Japanese seismologists Benioff and Wadati in the 1950's. However, this pattern of landward dipping planes of deep earthquake hypocenters (now known to reflect subducting slabs of oceanic lithospheric plates) was already known in the Indonesian region in the 1930's (Visser 1937, Berlage 1937, 1939).

Depths of deep earthquake epicenters along land-ward dipping plane, now known as Wadati-Benioff zone (Berlage 1937).

Depths of deep earthquake epicenters along land-ward dipping plane, now known as Wadati-Benioff zone (Berlage 1937).

Long before the formulation of the theory of plate tectonics, the pattern of separate continental crustal blocks of Eurasian-affinity in West Indonesia and Australian-affinity blocks in East Indonesia, was recognized in the 1920's-1930's. An elegant depiction by Umbgrove (1938) shows these provinces, and where they are separated by the 'Timor- Seram- East Sulawesi geosyncline'. (zone A). This 'geosyncline' is characterized by continuous Permian- Cretaceous deep marine facies and is now understood to represent the suture zone of the Mesotethys/ Neotethys Ocean that closed around Eocene time.

Tectonostratigraphic provinces in Indonesia, as understood by Umbgrove (1938), identifying areas of similar Late Paleozoic- Eocene tectonostratigraphy.

Tectonostratigraphic provinces in Indonesia, as understood by Umbgrove (1938), identifying areas of similar Late Paleozoic- Eocene tectonostratigraphy. A = Timor- Seram- East Sulawesi geosyncline, B = New Guinea- North Australia- Sula Islands, C = Central and SE Borneo- W Sulawesi, D = Malay Peninsula, Riau archipelago- Bangka- Belitung, E= Sumba, F = Banda Sea, G = Java- Sumatra.

Suggested reading: Indonesia/SE Asia tectonics (not a complete listing of all relevant papers)

Indonesia/ SE Asia text books Brouwer 1925, Rutten 1927, Van Bemmelen 1949, Umbgrove 1949,Hamilton 1979, Hutchison 1989, 2007, Darman and Sidi 2000.
Pre-plate tectonics models Volz 1912, Abendanon 1914, 1915, Brouwer 1917, 1918, 1922, 1949,Van Es 1919, Smit Sibinga 1927, 1933, Umbgrove 1934, 1949, Van Bemmelen 1933, 1949, 1954, Westerveld 1949, Klompe 1957,Carey 1958, 1975, Meyerhoff 1996.
Plate Tectonics syntheses: Indonesia Katili 1971, 1989, etc., Audley-Charles 1976, Stauffer 1974-1986, Hamilton 1979, Ridd 1980, Pigram and Panggabean 1984, Hartono and Tjokrosapoetro 1984, 1986, Barber 1985, Wood 1985, Charlton 1986, 1991,2000, 2013, 2016, Sengor et al. 1988, 2009, Gatinsky 1986, Gatinsky and. Hutchison 1986, Audley Charles and Harris 1990, Metcalfe 1988, 1996, 2002, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2017,Hutchison 1973, 1987, 19 89, 1994, 1996, 2007, 2014, Murphy 1987, 1998, 2002, Daly, Hooper et al. 1987, 1989, 1991, De Smet 1989, 1999, Rangin et al. 1990, Milsom 1992, 1993, 2000, 2001, Struckmeyer et al. 1993, Simanjuntak 1992, 1994, 2000, Prasetyo 1995, Lee and Lawver 1995, Packham 1990, 1993, 1996, Simandjuntak and Barber 1996, Hall 1996, 1998, 2002, 2009, 2012, 2017, Longley 1997, 2002, Villeneuve et al.1998, 2001, 2010, Harris 2006, Scotese 2001, R.D. Muller 2000, 2016, C.K. Morley 2002, 2012, Stampfli and Borel 2002, Pubellier et al. 2003, 2004, 2005, 2013, Satyana 2003, 2009, 2012, Gaina and Muller 2007, Golonka 2006, 2012, 2018, Spakman and Hall 2010, Clements et al. 2011, Hall and Sevastjanova 2012, Zahirovic et al. 2014, 2016, Gibbons et al. 2015.
GPS plate motions: SE Asia Chamot-Rooke et al. 1999, Rangin et al. 1999, Wilson et al. 1999, Simons et al. 1999, 2003, 2007, Becker et al. 2000, Michel et al. 2000, 2001, Pubellier et al. 2005 (DOTSEA), Calais et al. 2006, Vergnolle et al. 2007.
GPS plate motions: Indonesia Genrich et al. 1996, Walpersdorf et al. 1988, Kreemer et al. 2000, Michel et al. 2000, 2001, Bock et al. 2003, Subarya 2004, Nugroho 2005, Nugroho et al. 2009, Susilo et al. 2015, 2016, Koulali et al. 2016
GPS plate motions: Sumatra Genrich et al. 2000, Prawirodirdjo et al.1997, 2000, McCaffrey et al. 2000, Michel et al. 2001, Simoes et al. 2004, Vigny et al. 2005.
GPS plate motions: Java Tregoning et al. 1994, Abidin et al.2009, Meilano et al. 2012, Hanifa et al. 2014.
Earthquakes hypocenters Berlage 1937, 1939, Hamilton 1974, Cardwell and Isacks 1978, 1981,Das et al. 2000.
Tomography velocity models Puspito et al. 1993, 1995) Widiyantoro and van der Hilst 1996, 1997,Hafkenscheid et al. 2001, Replumaz et al. 2004, Tregoning and Gorbatov 2004, Richards et al. 2007, Spakman and Hall 2010,Widiyantoro et al. 2011, Hall and Spakman 2015, Huang et al. 2015, Wu and Suppe 2016, 2017, Van der Meer et al. 2012, 2018.
Paleomagnetism Indonesia Haile 1976, 1978, 1981, Haile et al. 1977, Sasajima et al. 1978, 1980, 1981,Otofuji et al. 1981, Mahfi 1984, Untung et al. 1987, Schmidtke et al. 1990, Fuller et al. 1991, 1999, Sunata and Wahyono 1991, Panjaitan and Mubroto 1993, Mubroto 1994, Richter and Fuller 1996, Wensink 1987) Van der Voo 1993, Mubroto et al. 1993,Surmont et al. 1994, Ali and Hall 1995, Hall et al. 1995, Ali et al.1996,2001, Nishimura and Suparka 1997, Mubroto and Ali 1998, Ngkoimani et al. 2005, 2006, Panjaitan 2009, Muin et al. 2017
Paleobiogeography: Permian Asama 1976, 1984, Archbold 1983, 2000, Shen et al. 2013,Shi et al. 1995, Shi and Archbold 1998, Wang and Sugiyama 2002, Ueno 2003, 2006, Srivastava and Agnihotri 2010.
Paleobiogeography: Triassic Ager and Sun 1988, Dagys 1993
Paleobiogeography: Jurassic Westerrnann 1993
Paleobiogeography: Cretaceous Uhlig 1911.

I.3. Volcanism, Volcanic rocks geochemistry

Chapter I.3 of the Bibliography focuses on papers on regional volcanism in the Indonesia- West Pacific region. Many additional papers that are specific to a single region will be under the chapter for the area in which they are located. Most of the papers on volcanics of Java island are listed in Chapter III.3.

Papers on individual eruption events and volcanic hazards are not included in this Bibliography, unless they contain significant geological information.

Indonesia, with its 128 active and numerous extinct volcanoes, is one of Earth's most volcanically active regions of the world (Figure I.3.1). Partly because of some of the largest eruptions in recorded history (Tambora 1815, Karakatau 1883) the country has attracted volcanological studies for over 130 years. The extensive report by Verbeek (1885-1885) on the geology of Krakatau volcano in Sunda strait and the sequence of events around the 1883 eruption made Verbeek a worldwide celebrity (Figure I.3.2)..

Krakatau after 1883 eruption (Verbeek 1885)

Krakatau after 1883 eruption (Verbeek 1885).


Volcanic arcs form above subducting oceanic slabs, generally where the Wadati-Benioff zone reaches a depth of ~100km (England et al. 2004). This depth may vary along strike (e.g. average 90 km in West Java, closer to 150km depth in Central and East Java, East of 108°E; Syracuse and Abers 2006), and in dip direction. In Indonesia active volcanism occurs along three main arc segments, Sunda-Banda, Sangihe and Halmahera. The first two of which were probably once a continuous system, related to the same North-moving subducting Indian Ocean- Australian plate.

Permian- Recent magmatic arcs/ subduction zones Indonesian Archipelago (Katili 1974).

Permian- Recent magmatic arcs/ subduction zones Indonesian Archipelago (Katili 1974).


Suggested Reading: Indonesia volcanism (not a complete listing of all relevant papers))

Modern volcanoes Junghuhn 1843-1844, Stehn 1927, Neumann van Padang 1936,1983, Petroeschevsky and Klompe 1950, Kusumadinata et al. 1979, Rachmat and Mujitahid 2003, papers by A. Sudradjat 1987 and others, S. Bronto 2003, 2010 and many others.
Volcanic chemistry Rittmann 1953, Westerveld 1954, Hutchison 1975, 1976, 1978, 1981,Nicholls and Whitford 1976, 1978, 1980, Foden 1979, Soeria-Atmadja et al. 1986,1988, etc., Hilton et al. 1989, 1992, Poorter et al. 1989, 1991, Van Bergen et al. 1989, 1992, 1993,Gasparon and Varne 1994, 1998, Zulkarnain 1995-2016, Bellon et al.2004, Hoogewerff at al. 1997, 1999, De Hoog et al. 2001, 2009, U. Hartono 1994-2011, MacPherson et al. 2003, 2010, Elburg et al. 2004, 2005, 2008, Handley et al. 2006-2018, Sendjaja and Kimura 2010, Abdurrachman et al. 2011,2017,Dempsey 2013.
Ancient Volcanic arcs Stehn (1927),Katili 1973, 1974, 1989, Soeria-Atmadja et al. 1986-2001, Carlile and Mitchell 1994, McCourt et al. 1996, Harris 2006, Hall and Smyth 2008 Hartono 2009,

I.4. Modern environments, Oceanography

Chapter I.4 of Bibliography 7.0 contains >350 papers on modern depositional environments and processes in Indonesia. Indonesia is home to an extreme variety of environments, from glaciated mountain peaks above 4800m in the West Papua foldbelt, volcanoes up to 3800m high, to 6 km deep oceanic basins. It has been a study area for many types of modern environments, like tropical rainforests, peat swamps, coral reefs, deltas, deep marine environments, oceanography, etc..

The Indonesia/ SE Asia region is also home to some of the highest diversity land and marine life ('evolutionary hotspots'; Renema et al. 2008, De Bruyn et al. 2014).

Suggested reading: Modern environments (not a complete listing of all relevant papers)

General text books Van der Stok et al. 1897, 1922, Ecology of Indonesia series, Gupta 2005
Oceanographic Expeditions Expedition Reports: Challenger (Brady 1884, etc.), Siboga (Weber 1902), Snellius (Kuenen 1935, etc.) and Snellius II (Van Hinte et al. 1989)
Oceanography, Marine geology Molengraaff 1922, 1930, Kuenen 1950, Wyrtki 1961, Tomascik et al. 1997
Indonesian Throughflow Kuhnt et al. 2004, Gordon et al. 1996-2005, Tillinger 2011,Sprintall et al. 1999-2014, Susanto et al. 2001-2012, Waworuntu et al, 1999-2001 and many others
Sediment Yields Milliman et al. 1995, 1999, Cecil et al. 2003, Suggate and Hall 2003, Alongi et al. 2013.
SE Asia deltas: General Nummedal et al. 2003, Sidi et al. 2003, Woodroffe 2000, 2005,
SE Asia deltas: Mahakam G. Allen et al. 1976-1998, Carbonel et al. 1987, Gastaldo et al. 1992, 1995,Roberts and Sydow 1996, 2003, Sydow 1996, Wiweko and Giriansyah 2000,Storms et al. 2005, Lambiase et al. 2010, 2015, 2017, Salahuddin Husein 2005 2011, 2013, Bachtiar et al. 2010)
SE Asia deltas: Baram, Rajang Staub and Esterle, 1993, Staub et al. 2000, Staub and Gastaldo 2003,Lambiase et al. 2002, 2003, 2013, Lambiase and Cullen 2012, 2013, Saller and Blake 2003
SE Asia deltas: Mekong Ta et al. 2002, 2005, Tanabe et al. 2003, Proske et al. 2010, 2011, Hanebuth et al. 2012
SE Asia deltas: Fly River Dalrymple et al. 2003
Molengraaff paleo-delta Hanebuth et al. 2003, Wong et al. 2003

I.5. SE Asia Carbonates, Coral Reefs

This sub-chapter I.5 of Bibliography 7.0 contains 260 papers on both modern carbonate depositional environments and carbonate distribution in the fossil record of SE Asia. Many additional papers on carbonate formations are in the chapters of the regions in which they are located.

Detail of Molengraaff (1922) map of modern distribution of coral reefs, all formed as response to recent sea level rise. Red = fringing reefs, Blue = barrier reefs and atolls.

Detail of Molengraaff (1922) map of modern distribution of coral reefs, all formed as response to recent sea level rise. Red = fringing reefs, Blue = barrier reefs and atolls.